Conference “The Field of the Photographable” (May 18th)

Program and registration (requested!):

This online conference on the use of photography in social science in Africa aims to discuss how photographers and researchers use photographs to account for social realities they are not part of, which is often the case when it comes to Africa.

Firstly, it will provide space for studying photographs of Africa as well as the vision photographers have of their work. Secondly, the objective is to account for the ways in which these photographs are received, whether in the locations where they were taken or in other locations.

This conference targets academics, photographers and students interested in conducting empirical and theoretical projects in the field of visual sociology, visual anthropology, journalism, and digital media on contemporary African realities and beyond.

Organized by CFEE in Addis Ababa, French Embassy in Ethiopia, IRD, IFRA in Nairobi, IRIS and University Sorbonne Paris Nord.

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IFRA Nairobi (2021, May 10). Conference “The Field of the Photographable” (May 18th). IFRA Nairobi. Retrieved April 16, 2024, from

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