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IFRA Nairobi Institut français de recherche en Afrique

Projects Manager

Machu paul has over 5 years’ experience in finance, audit, management, administration and customer care services. He is a holder of a Joint Bachelor & Master’s degree in Financial Management & Accounting from Abdelmalek...

Call for Abstracts

Generation Pichadithi: what history for which heritage? Deadline for submission: 16 December 2024 From the 1980s, do you remember the Pichadithi series featuring popular literary heroes? Every generation has its own cultural references, but...

Methodology Training

Studying human populations: methodological approaches Intensive training, 10-13 Dec 2024 Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya Population studies often involve mixed methods, with qualitative and quantitative approaches. Thistraining session aims at providing a good understanding of...

IFRA New Researcher

Henri Médard, a professor of African history at Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and the Institut des Mondes Africains (IMAF), has joined IFRA on a one- or two-year (délégation CNRS) starting in September 2024. He has...